Colton volunteers alongside his parents, Hannah and Danny, as well as his siblings at Unity Outreach.

The cost of a trip to the grocery store has skyrocketed in the last year, and local families are feeling the impact. At the Unity Outreach Church Food Pantry, Hannah, Danny, and their children have taken home much-appreciated fresh and nonperishable items for their kitchen.

“It’s helped us out a lot. We have a family of 10, and so with groceries as high as they are, it’s definitely helped us out tremendously,” said Hannah.

The food pantry at Unity Outreach hosts a food distribution twice per month and opens its grocery store-style facility to guests every second and fourth Wednesday.

Pantry manager Pastor Eder Herrera and his team of volunteers keep a variety of food, toiletries, and other necessities in stock, from fresh fruit to coffee grounds.

Families throughout our 25-county service area are experiencing increased food prices and other costs, and agency partners like Unity Outreach are stretching to cover the additional need. Our Food Bank is receiving pandemic-level requests for food assistance.

With so many in need during these challenging times, Hannah and Danny’s family give back to the community by helping out at the pantry. They assist guests as they line up, shop for groceries, and pack healthy meals into their cars.

This family of dedicated volunteers has helped countless families with children, seniors, and neighbors access the healthy food they need to thrive.

“We volunteer here all the time. It’s like our second home,” said Danny.

1 in 7 people in the CSRA are experiencing food insecurity. Thanks to your support, our incredible partners, and passionate volunteers like Hannah and Danny, we are putting meals on the table for seniors, children, and families in need.

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