Dear Friends,

Long before the pandemic caused thousands of community members to seek food assistance, hunger was a crisis in our area. 1 in 7 of your neighbors still face days without enough food.

Golden Harvest Food Bank is committed to moving forward stronger and better equipped to serve. We are proud to announce a new Strategic Plan and 10-year vision to end hunger in our community. Our team has spent the past 9 months in a planning process driven by data from our service area and key learnings from the pandemic.

Data shows an 8.8 million meal gap annually across the 25 counties that we serve. Our bold goal is to bridge this meal gap by 2030, gradually increasing our food distribution to fully meet the need for food assistance in our area alongside our partners and supporters.

Our priorities include:

  • Increasing our capacity and staff

  • Investing in our Community Partners

  • Strengthening programs for children, seniors, & rural communities

  • Building individual & community health through better nutrition

  • Partnering with healthcare providers

  • Connecting the community with more volunteer opportunities

For more information on our 10-Year Vision and Strategic Plan, click here:

Our Strategic Plan

As we lean into pouring resources into our community, we know this is not a mission we can accomplish alone.

We are incredibly grateful for the support we have received over the past year, which will act as a springboard for our big vision. We will continue to call on our donors, volunteers, and supporters to join with us as we move our mission forward and grow to better serve those who need us most.

Together we will work to create meaningful, sustainable impact — and ensure that all the neighbors who come to our collective front door are greeted with words of hope and the nourishment of a meal.

Thank you for linking arms with us as we work to achieve this transformative goal together!

Amy Breitmann

Executive Director

Golden Harvest Food Bank

Make An Impact

Click below to easily send a letter to your elected official asking them for full support of the Farm Bill. Your support today will give help and hope to neighbors struggling with hunger.

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