It’s almost lunchtime. Volunteers are carefully arranging trays of food, centerpieces, and water pitchers on the front tables — the special seating area for families with children and people with disabilities.

Carrying her baby and keeping an eye on her son and daughter, Lekeisha finds a spot at a round table in the middle of the dining room. The meal today comes with a side of applesauce, the kids’ favorite.

Lekeisha remembers visiting The Master’s Table with her family when she was a little girl. The meal center has provided hot meals to the downtown Augusta community since the ‘80s and continues to serve hundreds of guests daily.

The Master’s Table often serves more families with children during the summer months, when school is not in session.

With pork and beans over rice, a side of carrots and peas, a slice of bread, applesauce, and a brownie for dessert, the meal is simple, but delicious. Our chefs have added spices and garden-grown herbs to the entrée to create a flavorful, satisfying dish.

“I’m just thankful and grateful for all the things we have received,” says Lekeisha. “I appreciate The Master’s Table for helping us out with hot meals.”

During the summer months, more families with school-aged children visit The Master’s Table for lunch. Parents have to stretch their grocery budgets to make up for the loss of school-provided breakfast and lunch, and it can be difficult to make ends meet.

This year, we have not only fed children at The Master’s Table, but we have been able to provide meals for children through local summer programs. Day camps at the J. Hebbard Boys & Girls Club and Compassionate Life Church served a combined total of 18,303 meals in June and July.

Kids shouldn’t have to worry about where their next meal will come from. Thank you for helping us keep local children well-fed through the summer.

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