Hunger In Our Area

1 in 7 people in our area struggle with hunger.

Hunger can affect people from all walks of life. Many members of our community are one job loss or medical crisis away from food insecurity – but some people, including children and seniors, are at greater risk of hunger than others. Golden Harvest works to increase access to nutritious food and foster long-term stability for our neighbors who struggle.


While food insecurity is harmful to everyone, it is particularly devastating to children. One in four children in our area struggle to get enough to eat.  Without access to food outside of school, nutrition takes a backseat to hunger.


Seniors face a number of unique medical and mobility challenges that put them at a greater risk of hunger. The seniors we serve are often faced with the difficult choice between paying for medical care and getting enough to eat.

Rural Families

For rural families in need, access to nutritious food is a constant challenge. Our service area covers rural counties, large portions of which are designated as food deserts where grocery stores are scarce.

Homeless Population

Much like hunger, experiencing homelessness is a symptom of a larger system of poverty in our community. Many of our low-income neighbors are just one job loss or medical emergency away from losing the roof above their heads.

Single Parent Families

Providing for your family as a single parent is a challenge. Many single parents struggle to balance providing nutritious food with other necessary expenses like rent, transportation, utilities, and education or childcare for their children.

College Students

Enrollment in a college or university is associated with financial security and a bright future. However, recent studies show that many college students experience food insecurity as they balance paying for education with getting enough to eat.

Hunger and Health

Eating healthy is costly, and for low-income families it’s often a luxury they can’t afford. Most rely on cheap, unhealthy foods to make ends meet, leading to increased health issues and an even greater financial burden.

Our vision is to help families in need break the cycle of poverty by increasing their access to nutritious food. Because it’s about more than just providing food for today. It’s about providing food for a brighter tomorrow.


of clients report being unable to afford healthy, balanced meals


of clients report experiencing poor physical health at least 10 days out of the past month


of clients report experiencing poor mental health at least 10 days out of the past month


of clients report running out of food and being unable to afford more

Statistics are based on results from a survey of 300 clients at 35 partner food pantries.

COVID-19 Pandemic Response

As the pandemic swept over our communities, families in our area were in crisis. Schools were closed, many were unable to work, and the elderly and those with medical conditions were most at risk. Here’s how you helped families overcome challenges during a time of unprecedented need.

Meals Provided
Meals Provided at Mobile Markets
Families Served

Stories From The Front Lines

We asked the neighbors we we served during the COVID health crisis to share their experiences, and how your support of the Food Bank helped them get back on their feet.

Starlesha and her son were among the earliest arrivals at a Mobile Market food distribution. “This is the first time we’ve been here to get help,” she says. “But food was getting kind of low, and I’m a widow so I have a limited income. I used the last of my money to buy food yesterday and it was very scarce in the grocery store.” Starlesha radiated relief as food fills her trunk. “This means that I have peace of mind. This means my son will be able to eat.”

Brenda arrived at the Aiken High School food distribution with her 3 great-grandchildren. The family received meal packs for the kids to eat on days when schools aren’t providing meals. “This food means they won’t go hungry. They will have something to eat,” she says. “We’ve been really dependent on getting the food from the school, and I don’t know if we could make it without this.”

The line of cars at the Mobile Market snaked around the block and down the adjoining street. It’s 9 a.m., but cars have been lining up to wait since 7. “We don’t have the money to stock up for a month, and the grocery shelves are empty at the stores,” Dee said. That’s why she and Tim waited hours in line to receive food. “We’re trying to make sure we’ve got enough to last us through this time because we don’t know what is going to happen.”

Make An Impact

Together we make a tangible and lasting impact for children, families and seniors who are struggling in our region. Your support today will fill more plates with food–and hearts with hope.

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